Version 2.4 of GBBS Pro is a significant update released by Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange (A.P.P.L.E.), and is available as a free download. Originally released between 1980 and 1993 for Apple II computers, this new 2.4 version has many refinements, including the SuperTAC File Transfer system with ZModem, BBS Listing segment, Games, TCPSer modem driver, and other improvements on four disks. The new printed manual is over 410 pages – read the Table of Contents (includes list of 2.2 to 2.4 changes).
SOFTWARE: GBBS Pro 2.4 is on four disk images. These disk images will run on real Apple II’s, and on the Virtual II emulator for Mac. They should also run on AppleWin on Windows. The software is available in addition to the source from the official Github page for GBBS Pro:
LICENSE: The GBBS Pro software continues to be licensed under GPL 3, however the copyright remains with the owner of GBBS Pro and LLUCE software, Kevin M. Smallwood.
CREDITS: GBBS Pro 2.4 programming was done by Paul H. Lee, beta testing by Henry Pedro and Bill Martens, and the new physical manual by Brian Wiser and Paul H. Lee. Version 2.4 builds on the efforts of several people that brought us 2.2, including but not limited to: Lane Roathe, Paul H. Lee, Henry Pedro, Skip Thompson, Gene Buckle, Bill Martens, Brian Wiser, and Antoine Vignau.
MANUAL: The new physical manual for GBBS Pro 2.4 adds over 30 pages beyond the 2.3 manual plus 140 pages beyond the 2.2 manual. It is available in Paperback, Hardback, and Coil bound through the A.P.P.L.E. bookstore with production and fulfillment by Lulu. On a related note, there’s a new 100 page printed manual and version 2.6 disk for Net-Works II BBS.