E-Mail subject mod
Author : Mike Vaughan : Starlifter II in Altus
Here is my mod for the E-Mail Subject. Are you tired of receiving a reply
at which you have no idea what the individual is talking about. You asked
him a question 2 weeks ago, when he answers you; you forgot what the question
All changes are made to the “msg.seg.s” segment. You can either replace
each procedure with the ones below, or you can insert the changes that I
have made to each one.
wr.ltr ready "e:mail" if info(6)<29 print \"Mail bit-map full":return print #msg(d),un:if h$<>"" print #6,h$\ print #6,"From ->"a1$" "a2$" (#"un")" print #6,"Date ->"date$" "time$\ if P1 print #6,"Regarding: " i$\ copy #s,#6:print #msg(d),chr$(4);chr$(0); msg(d)=1:update:return rd.mail4 input @2 \"[A]uto reply, [C]ontinue, [R]e-read :" i$ if i$="" or i$="C" or i$="N" goto rd.mail2 if i$="Q" return if i$="R" rewind:x=0:goto rd.mail3 if i$="P" and info(5) rewind:x=5:goto rd.mail3 if i$="W" and info(5) goto wr.mail if i$="F" goto forward if i$<>"A" goto rd.mail4 if d=0 print \"Sorry, anonymous sender":goto rd.mail4 P1=1:input @3 \"Regarding: " i$:if i$="" goto rd.mail2 gosub editor:if not edit(2) goto rd.mail4 print \"Wait..";:h$="":s=8:gosub wr.ltr print ".reply sent":P1=0:goto rd.mail2 bl.show6 if a=0 print \"Sorry, anonymous sender":goto bl.show2 P1=1:input @3 \"Regarding: " i$:if i$="" return gosub editor:if not edit(2) goto bl.show2 h$=" --> Reply to a Bulletin <--" print \"Wait..";:s=8:gosub wr.ltr ready bf$:print ".reply sent":P1=0:goto bl.show2
I hope this solves some of the confusion for E-Mail Replies!
Mike Vaughan
Starlifter II in Altus