Day of the week mod
Brd ->GBBS Sysop Board
Numb ->489 of 512
Sub ->Day of the week mod
To ->All
From ->Joe Prinz (#290)
Date ->05/24/87 13:38:15
The following is a mod I wrote to compute the day of the week using the TimeMaster II H.O… I cannot stress enough that this is ONLY for the TimeMaster II H.O… It has NOT been tested on ANY other card… Install this routine in your logon segment….
; find the day of the week ; read the date$ variable d1 = val(left$(date$,2)) d2 = val(mid$(date$,4,2)) d3 = val(right$(date$,2)) if d1=1 d8$="January" if d1=2 d8$="Febuary" if d1=3 d8$="March" if d1=4 d8$="April" if d1=5 d8$="May" if d1=6 d8$="June" if d1=7 d8$="July" if d1=8 d8$="August" if d1=9 d8$="September" if d1=10 d8$="October" if d1=11 d8$="November" if d1=12 d8$="December" ; Read TimeMaster II H.O poke -16191,0:poke -16189,0:poke -16192,0:poke -16190,255 poke -16191,4:poke -16189,4 poke -16190,16 poke -16190,54:da = peek(-16192) - 240 ; release the clock poke -16190,47 ; figure out which day it is if da=0 wd$="Sunday" if da=1 wd$="Monday" if da=2 wd$="Tuesday" if da=3 wd$="Wednesday" if da=4 wd$="Thursday" if da=5 wd$="Friday" if da=6 wd$="Saturday" ; here you may set the variable hl$ to the name of a holiday or a special ; day. This section is blank for your preference ; ; ex: if (d1=12) and (d2=25) hl$="Christmas day" dq$="":dq$=wd$+" "+d8$+" "+str$(d2)+", "+"19"+str$(d3)
; obviously use “dq$” as your string..
; it will look SOMETHING like this: Saturday May 23, 1987
Have fun with it!
Joe Prinz