Calculate Medical Age
Author: Jim Weeks
public pinter pinter print' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : : Medical Age Questionnaire : : : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '\\ start on nocar goto term print ' This section is based on a quiz originally appearing in the 8/82 issue of CHANGING TIMES magazine program by Jim Branberg converted to ACOS by Jim Weeks We will ask you 20 questions dealing with your lifestyle and habits. Upon completion you will be advised what your MEDICAL age is as compared to your true age in years. We suggest you see your doctor on a regular basis.'\\ start.2 input "What is your age? ";i$:A = val(i$) print\\'[> DISPOSITION <] 1. Easy going 2. Average 3. Tense often' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z-3 IF B=3 THEN Z=Z+6 print\\'[> EXERCISE <] 1. Active employment, or regular exercise 2. Moderate 3. None' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z-12 IF B=3 THEN Z=Z+12 print \\'[> HOME ENVIROMENT <] 1. Pleasant 2. Average 3. Unusual tension' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z-6 IF B=3 THEN Z=Z+9 print \\'[> JOB SATISFACTION <] 1. Above average 2. Average 3. Discontented' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z-3 IF B=3 THEN Z=Z+6 print \\'[> AIR POLLUTION <] 1. No exposure 2. Moderate contact 3. Substantial exposure' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=2 THEN Z=Z+3 IF B=3 THEN Z=Z+9 print \\'[> SMOKING HABITS <] 1. Non smoker 2. Occasional 3. 1 pack a day 4. 2 packs or more per day' input \\"[1 2 3 or 4] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z-6:print\\"Great...keep it up !"\\ IF B=3 THEN Z=Z+12:print\\"Try to kick it altogether"\\ IF B=4 THEN Z=Z+24:print\\"Try to at least cut down"\\ print \\'[> DRINKING HABITS <] 1. Seldom 2. Moderate 3. Heavy' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z-6:print\\"Good going !"\\ IF B=2 THEN Z=Z+6:print\\"Try to cut down."\\ IF B=3 THEN Z=Z+24:print\\"Please get some help by calling AA."\\ print \\'[> EATING HABITS <] 1. Low fat diet 2. High protein intake 3. High cholesterol intake' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z-6 IF B=2 THEN Z=Z+6 IF B=3 THEN Z=Z+6 print \\'[> CAFFEINE INTAKE <] 1. Low 2. Moderate (2 cup average) 3. Heavy (4 cups or more)' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=2 THEN Z=Z-2 IF B=3 THEN Z=Z+6 print \\'[> DRIVING (PER YEAR) <] 1. 20,000 miles or less with seatbelts worn 2. 20,000 miles or less without seatbelts 3. 20,000+ miles' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z-3 IF B=3 THEN Z=Z+12 print \\'[> DRUG ABUSE <] 1. None 2. Moderate 3. Heavy 4. Narcotics' input \\"[1 2 3 or 4] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=2 THEN Z=Z+12 IF B=3 THEN Z=Z+24 IF B=4 THEN Z=Z+36 print \\'[> FAMILY & SOCIAL HISTORY INVENTORY <] FATHER 1. Alive & over 68 yrs. old 2. Under 68 & alive, or dead at 68+ 3. Dead of medical causes under 68' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z-3 IF B=3 THEN Z=Z+3 print\\' MOTHER 1. Alive & over 73 years old 2. Alive & under 68, or dead at 68+ 3. Dead of medical causes under 73' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z-3 IF B=3 THEN Z=Z+3 print\\'[> MARITAL STATUS <] 1. Single 2. Married' input \\"[1 or 2] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z+3:IF A>39 THEN Z=Z+3 print\\'[> RESIDENCE <] 1. In large city 2. In suburban area 3. Farm or small town' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z+6 IF B=3 THEN Z=Z-3 print\\'[> PHYSICAL INVENTORY <] WEIGHT (Think of your ideal body weight at age 20.) 1. Same now, or gain of less than 10 lbs. 2. 20 lbs. over 3. 40 or more lbs.' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z-3 IF B=2 THEN Z=Z+6 IF B=3 THEN Z=Z+15 bp.qa1 print\\'[> BLOOD PRESSURE <] 1.';:IF A>39 THEN print" Pressure above 140/90":GOTO bp.qa2 print" Pressure above 130/80" bp.qa2 print" 2. No" input \\"[1 or 2] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z+12 ch.qa1 print\\'[> CHOLESTEROL <] 1.';:IF A>39 THEN print" Level above 250":GOTO ch.qa2 print" Level above 220" ch.qa2 print" 2. No" input \\"[1 or 2] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z+6 print\\'[> HEART <] 1. Heart murmur 2. Murmur with history of rhuematic fever 3. Neither' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z+24 IF B=2 THEN Z=Z+48 print\\'[> YEARLY MEDICAL CHECK-UP <] 1. Complete 2. Partial 3. None' input \\"[1 2 or 3] ";i$:B=val(i$) IF B=1 THEN Z=Z-12 IF B=2 THEN Z=Z-6 Q = (Z/12) + A:print\\\sn$' doctors say... Your medical age is: ';Q input\\ "Would you like to try again? [Y/N] ";i$ if i$="Y" goto start.2 quit print chr$(12) link "a:main.seg","fromsys" term link "a:main.seg","term1"