Acos Boss is a system level modifier which allows you to change the prompts that are given to users.
— Start of Program —
print \’ACOS Boss modifyed by Master Blaster
[01] Sysop is online
[02] Sysop is off-line
[03] Sorry, Time Limit Exceeded
[04] …please wait…
[05] exiting exec mode
[06] File Write Error
[07] Editing (?=help)
[08] Thats 4k worth
[09] Illegal Command
[10] Abort: Are you sure?
[11] Aborted
[12] Continue Message Now..
[13] Delete Line
[14] Edit Line
[15] Illegal Line
[16] Insert Line
[17] List Line
[18] [Insert Message]
[19] New: Erase and Start over?
[20] Enter Message Now
[21] Read File (name)
[22] Write File (name)’
goto prompt
input \”Edit #”i$
if i$=”?” goto list
if (i$=”Q”) and (a1$=””) link “a:logon.seg”
if i$=”Q” link “a:system.seg”
if i$=”S” print \”Putting to file…”:goto save
if i$=”L” print \”Loading from file…”:goto load
i=val(i$):gosub ifses:goto change
if i=1 then b=-9738:e=-9720
if i=2 then b=-9716:e=-9697
if i=3 then b=-9692:e=-9667
if i=4 then b=-9665:e=-9649
if i=5 then b=-9646:e=-9624
if i=6 then b=-9589:e=-9574
if i=7 then b=-9570:e=-9554
if i=8 then b=-9552:e=-9537
if i=9 then b=-9534:e=-9520
if i=10 then b=-9517:e=-9497
if i=11 then b=-9495:e=-9489
if i=12 then b=-9486:e=-9464
if i=13 then b=-9460:e=-9441
if i=14 then b=-9439:e=-9424
if i=15 then b=-9422:e=-9404
if i=16 then b=-9401:e=-9384
if i=17 then b=-9382:e=-9367
if i=18 then b=-9365:e=-9328
if i=19 then b=-9324:e=-9298
if i=20 then b=-9296:e=-9277
if i=21 then b=-9273:e=-9257
if i=22 then b=-9255:e=-9238
if i>z print \”ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!”
print \e-b” chars”\
print”[“;:for i=b to e:print chr$(peek(i));:next:print”]”
print”[“chr$(32,e-b)” ]”chr$(8,(e-b)+2);:input @3 i$
for i=1 to (e-b)+1
poke i+(b-1),asc(mid$(i$+chr$(32,40),i,1))
next:goto prompt
input \”Filename: “f$
kill f$:create f$
print \”Saving…”f$;
open #1,f$
for i=1 to z:gosub ifses
if i=3 goto save4
if (peek(x)<>13) then x$=x$+chr$(peek(x)):x=x+1:goto save3
print #1,b$,x$:next:close:print “…Saved.”:goto prompt
for x=-9692 to -9667:x$=x$+chr$(peek(x)):next
print #1,”55844″,x$:next
input \”Filename: “f$
print \”Loading…”f$;
open #1,f$:i=1
input #1,b,x$:if b=0 goto load2
i=i+1:for x=1 to len(x$)
poke b+(x-1),asc(mid$(x$,x,1)):next:if i<z goto load2
close:print “…Loaded.”:goto prompt
— End of Program —